Galvanic Skin Response measures the changes in our skin conductivity to provide valuable insights into emotional arousal and stress.
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) also known as Electrodermal Activity (EDA) measures the activity of the autonomic nervous system by quantifying the electrical activity conducted through sweat glands in the skin.
GSR serves as a valuable measure of emotional arousal, as it delivers insights into underlying physiological and psychological processes.
For example, we will experience increases within the conductivity levels of our skin if we believe we are in danger, or frustrated.

By measuring and quantifying moments of increased physiological arousal, you to better understand the impact of the experiences you provide to consumers and provides you with the opportunity to correct unwanted moments of friction, or optimise particularly powerful experiences.
Emotion is a shortcut to memory encoding and retrieval. Is your advertising triggering the desired level of emotion at key moments?
Is your User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX) causing unnecessary moments of friction that an individual can't consciously recall when asked?
How do people make decisions? With ease or difficulty? GSR explains the arousal and stress levels of an individual on a Moment-toMoment basis
Understand Emotional Arousal
Our level of emotional arousal changes in response to the information that we process. When something is emotionally relevant, the change in emotional response that we experience in our brain also increases eccrine sweat gland activity.
This is what EDA / GSR devices capture when placed on the hands or feet. Skin Conductivity is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which controls a number of bodily processes that can influence cognitive & emotional behaviours. EDA / GSR serves as a valuable index of emotional arousal as it offers insights into a respondent’s underlying physiological & psychological processes.

By using the skin conductance values, or the number of GSR peaks, it’s possible to complement this with quantitative data to studies of emotional arousal.
With more data at hand, it’s easier to uncover new findings and make new discoveries about human behaviour.
Here you can find some of the questions we are asked on a regular basis about Galvanic Skin Response.
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Eye tracking is a technology used to measure and interpret the point of a person’s gaze, where someone is looking, or the movements of the eye in response to different pieces of information or experiences.
An eye tracker is a device used to measure the specific position and movements of the eye in real-time.
GSR is used to measure the level of emotional arousal as it changes in response to the environment.
If something is scary, threatening, joyful, or otherwise emotionally relevant, the change in emotional response we experience is reflected within our skin conductance levels.
Increases in arousal also increases eccrine sweat gland activity, and thus alters the galvanic skin response when measured using electrodes placed in the correct locations.
This can be relevant for Ad Testing, Usability Testing, Claims or Concept Testing, Package Design Testing and much more.
GSR is a very non-invasive method, with electrodes being placed on the base of the fingers.
The rationale for this placement is that our fingers, palms, head and the soles of our feet all have a very high density of eccrine glands, so a general guideline is to measure galvanic skin response in one of those areas.
Fingers are popular as they are the least invasive area and most convenient application for the electrodes.

All You Need To Know: Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
Ever get nervous before a first date or a big client presentation? Cue the sweaty palms. Our skin can reveal a great deal of how we are feeling at any given moment

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